What makes our shoes so good?

Look around the pits, but don’t just look around. Look down. You’ll quickly notice than most every driver in the pits is wearing Velocita racing shoes. Ever wonder why? They aren’t cheap. They aren’t the lightest and they stay sold out in many colors. So, why do drivers swear by our shoes? In the late 90’s our Founder began to study footwear, specifically racing and fire protective footwear. After years in the dress and athletic shoe industries he had a level of shoe understanding that would give us a competitive edge.
One of the first things people notice about our shoes is the bright colors. We pride ourselves on having the brightest richest colors you can possibly buy. Our neon colors nearly glow day or night. We found that by using top grain premium leather the leather would hold dye much better. The top grain also has more natural oils and provides a soft but very tough outer shell. In addition, it holds stitching and thread better and will truly last a few seasons. Next, we had to make them comfortable. While we may be at the track all day, we won’t actually be in the car but for a small portion of the day. With this in mind, we knew they needed to be comfortable to stand and work in throughout the day. We spent a tremendous amount of time with sailing and composites for the sole. We came right back to square one and settled on a rubber sole. Why rubber? It inherently gets softer with heat providing unmatched pedal feel and is rigid enough to walk and stand on all day. It has an incredible memory and is far more durable than the plastic soles all of our competitors use. Over the years, we have discovered that dry feet are happy feet. Also, by keeping the feet dry we can reduce the risk of burns even more. Feet are the most common burnt body part in racing. We use an SRX based aramid “nomex” that allows for flame protection yet it pulls moisture away from the skin to keep the driver drier.
Add all of these features with the option of more than a dozen standard colors, the option and opportunity to make completely custom designed shoes, and boom! You’ve got the best racing shoe that money can buy. Now you know why most drivers are rocking Velocita brand driving shoes.